Thank you for your service!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Are you mad yet?

Fellow Veterans:

Thank you for your service and sacrifices! Been there, done that, and I appreciate everyone else who did so too!

Today, I am absolutely flabbergasted at what the elect team is trying to force on Michigan! I encourage all vets to contact your elected officials if you agree with me.

Yesterday it was disclosed in the media that the BHO followers what to force GM to accept the federal loans. In return for the 50 billion they want guarantees that GM will cap salaries, limit golden parachutes, guarantee production of high mileage cars, and open up to public voting for unionization.

GM's response is that it will file Chapter 11 bankruptcy, begin closing the American production plants, and move production to China. This would cause a loss of 2.3 MILLION jobs in the US! If you are not aware, GM makes dozens of vehicles in China right now, they could just increase production and ship them to the US. GM's major money making is from overseas. Think this can't happen?

And by the way, did you notice that the election is over and gas is done to $1.85!

What appears to be happening is nothing short of strong armed intimidation into socializing the United States! What's next, close the borders and ports to imports?

Vets, we need each other more than ever. I don't know how many vets work at GM, or Ford, or Chrysler, but I am confident it is significant.

And our Governor is hitting the Media shows to get sympathy from the American public to force GM to take the money. Which by the way, 50 Billion, I am sorry to say is a drop in the bucket.

And don't get me started on $150 Billion to AIG.

Stand by for heavy waves and lists as we turn to port (left, way left).

Crusty Shellback

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. It is indeed the strong arming of America into socialism. See my blog- I've been writing for months that Obama has some distrubing parallels to leaders of the past who were socialist and authoritarian.


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